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Manage wireless channel planning automatically

ChannelFly active channel management technology improves wireless performance by dynamically switching clients to better channels when a channel starts to degrade. Working hand-in-hand with the BeamFlex® smart antenna system, it intelligently samples all channels, assesses channel capacity, and changes channels when, based on historical data, a different channel is likely to offer higher capacity than the current channel.

ChannelFly technology allows RUCKUS access points (APs) to push client devices to the best-performing channel without user or network administrators needing to manually intervene. Using patented algorithms, this automatic channel-switching technology helps maximize network performance while minimizing interference.

When ChannelFly technology changes channels, it utilizes 802.11h channel change announcements to seamlessly change channels with no packet loss and minimal impact on performance. The 802.11h channel change announcements affect the wireless clients and RUCKUS mesh nodes in the 2,4, 5, and 6 GHz bands.






Real-time channel management  

With ChannelFly technology, each RUCKUS AP intelligently samples the spectrum while using them for service. By assessing interference every 15 seconds and reviewing historical data, it can select a different band that’s likely to offer higher capacity than other existing channels—mitigating the need for a network administrator to manually configure client devices.

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More capacity and throughput

By working in tandem with BeamFlex adaptive antenna technology, ChannelFly technology delivers higher capacity and unprecedented throughput. By working in tandem, the ChannelFly and BeamFlex solutions can help RUCKUS APs achieve up to twice the capacity of competitive alternatives.






Relief for high-density environments  

Originally developed for Wi-Fi® hotspots, ChannelFly technology excels where RF channels are highly congested. In these dense public settings, ChannelFly technology works hand-in-hand with BeamFlex antenna technology to automatically deliver significant improvements in AP and network capacity.

Témoignages clients
Spectrum Center

Spectrum Center (formerly Time Warner Cable Arena), first chose RUCKUS in 2011 to help it enhance performance and capacity across all the public seating areas in its arena as well as the facility’s locker rooms, luxury suites, concourses, and back-office areas.

Geras Pflegehotel AG

Even before the start of the construction of the Geras Pflegehotel in the Swiss canton of Bern, it was clear that there should be a secure, powerful Wi-Fi coverage in every corner of the more than 5,000-square meter area. 

wifi at Sik Sik yaun (4) 5th Nov 2018
Sik Sik Yuen (Hong Kong)

Home to three religions (Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism), Wong Tai Sin Temple in southern Hong Kong is one of the region’s iconic and most visited religious sites—hosting more than 10 000 Hong Kong residents and visitors per day.  


Staycity began in 2021 and has 32 hotels across Europe, the organization faced challenges with Wi-Fi connectivity and speed which was key for guest satisfaction. The deployment of RUCKUS ICX switching, and Access Points ensure high-performance connectivity.  

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