Ministère de l’éducation de la Nouvelle-Zélande

Le ministère de l’éducation (Nouvelle-Zélande) présente un réseau axé sur les étudiants qui offre aux écoles et aux kura un accès à des services Internet sûrs et rapides sur les réseaux périphériques de CommScope.

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For over a decade, the New Zealand Ministry of Education has been providing managed ICT for the country’s 2 457 state primary and secondary schools. Recently, the Ministry established a program called Te Mana Tūhono (“the power of connection”). The goal is to give every student the opportunity to learn and thrive in a digital economy. The MOE formulates and implements education policies on education structure, curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment. It oversees the management and development of Government-funded schools, and the Institute of Technical Education, polytechnics and universities.

  • Need for reliable fast and functional internet connectivity and coverage inside classrooms
  • Access to quality helpdesk support for internal infrastructure and access to online insights and user behavior reporting
  • Improvement for safety and security of schools’ online environment with individualized access & filtering policies
  • Need for digital citizenship promotion around safety and security measures during devices onboarding
  • SmartZone Controllers (hosted across two datacenters)
  • 38 000 Wi-Fi 6 Access Points
  • 12 000 ICX Switches with 10G backbone
  • Cloudpath Enrollment System (850 000 licenses)
  • Equitable access for all students in all NZ schools
  • Able to handle bandwidth demands including 1:1 learning
  • Seamless roaming between school sites
  • Future-proof network for 5+ years
To learn more about this project:

 Download the full case study