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Université nationale de Chengchi
RUCKUS Networks and MetaAge Corporation play key roles to meet high-density network demands With the rise of social media platforms and the prevalence of live streaming, National Chengchi University (NCCU) has decided to launch a Wi-Fi® 6E wireless network campus project.
RUCKUS R760功能強大,集高乘載、高覆蓋、高迴避於一身隨著智慧型手機成為多數人生活中不可或缺的裝置後,帶動社交平臺、直播串流、線上購物、行動支付等蓬勃發展。然在此趨勢下,於運動競賽、演唱會等人口聚集地點,勢必對現場無線網路架構帶來極大挑戰,唯有仰賴新世代無線網路基地臺才能解決