Hôtels Adina Apartment

Digitalization in the hotel industry

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WLAN/Wi-Fi hautes performances, réparti entre un réseau pour les opérations de l’hôtel et un réseau pour les clients

BENEFITS for Adina Apartment hotel guests: the Wi-Fi infrastructure needed to integrate LAN smart TV concepts and ensure smooth, trouble-free operation even with multiple devices connected simultaneously

  • A freely accessible wireless local area network (WLAN/Wi-Fi) without complex login process
  • Reliable coverage in all hotel areas
  • Installed TV services that mirror guests’ own mobile devices on their hotel room televisions

BENEFITS for Adina Apartment hotel operations: it is key to have reliable, secure and comprehensive Wi-Fi connectivity to ensure a successful hotel business

  • In the coming years, digital services, such as automated check-in and unlocking rooms with smartphones will expand even further. Any loading times or internet connection delays are unacceptable.
  • Simple management: changes or installing additional services to the Wi-Fi infrastructure can be done quickly and easily.
  • As a superior-class hotel group, Adina focuses on attractive design. The system hardware was not to negatively affect the hotel interior and had to be located discretely.


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